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China's industrial Internet network industry ecology is gradually growing


"In recent years, China's industrial Internet development has achieved phased results. Among them, industrial Internet network has achieved remarkable results in technological innovation, system construction and industrial ecology." Wang Peng, deputy director of information and communication administration of the Ministry of industry and information technology, said at the 2021 industrial Internet Network Innovation Conference.

At the level of industrial Internet network, China has released the world's first international standard for industrial Internet, and innovative products such as 5g industrial chips, modules, time sensitive network switches and edge computing gateways have been launched. More than 300 nodes have been deployed in the country's high-quality external network of industrial Internet, 156 secondary nodes for identification analysis, and more than 28000 service enterprises, Support the construction of a number of public service platforms for network technology R & D, application innovation and promotion services, release a number of network test beds, and gradually expand the industrial ecology.

For the focus of the next stage of industrial Internet network, Wang Peng put forward three expectations. First, consolidate the network foundation, support enterprises to use 5g and other new network technologies to transform and upgrade the enterprise intranet, promote basic telecom enterprises to improve network services, and drive the digital and networked transformation and upgrading of small and medium-sized enterprises. Second, deepen innovative applications, promote the expansion of 5g, time sensitive networks, edge computing and other new network technologies to more fields, excavate and summarize application pilots and benchmarks, and accelerate the promotion and popularization of models. Third, improve the industrial level, strengthen the research and development of standards in integration fields such as "5g + industrial Internet", improve the public service capacity of industrial Internet network, and provide comprehensive support for network construction and use.

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